
Without surgery and pain

Face treatments

With a free consultation
years of experience
medical devices
types of treatment
wrinkles erased

Our clinic

Our centre is situated in the II. District, where a spacious and pleasant environment has been created within the GreenMed area has been created, providing both our prospective guests and our employees with an exclusive milieu for beauty treatment.


After the treatment

Tighter lines and self-confident appearance

Even a single painless lifting treatment will result in contoured and tight facial features for many years.

As a result, you can regain not only the appearance of your skin of years ago, but any assertiveness and healthy self-confidence worn off in the course of time.


Erased mimic wrinkles

The effectiveness of our anti-wrinkle treatments is shown by the thoroughness with which mimic wrinkles in the eye and mouth area are completely smoothed out and deeper wrinkles significantly fade.

In many cases, we couldn’t have guessed how decisively a change of 2-3 millimetres influences the overall look of our faces.

Healthy and vital skin

Because our facial treatments make use of the self-renewing processes of the skin (refilling of the collagen storage) to help you achieve the desired result, you can be sure that you won’t suffer from unpleasant, unexpected side-effects. The end result is a perfectly natural-looking refreshed complexion.


Our Professionals

Your Rejuvenation is in our professional hands

Our experienced physicians possess all the necessary theoretical and technological knowledge that you need to get the most personalized treatment under the safest possible conditions.

Csányné Dr. Ragyiánó Rita

Facial aesthetic specialist, Certified Specialist of Rejuvenation and Body Shaping

Dr. Gábris Boglárka

Certified Specialist of Aesthetics

Sasvári Kitti

Physician’s Assistant

Vasas Gréta

Vasas Gréta

Center leader



Certified HIFU specialist, Facial aesthetic specialist


At RevitalMed we take seriously the goal that every guest be satisfied with the results achieved. The status of your skin will be documented before and after the treatment. If there is no change after an appropriate time has elapsed, a new, possibly different treatment will be performed free of charge until the desired target is reached.

Generally, you can go to work the next day without any trace of treatment. After certain needle treatments, you may not necessarily be ready for a date on the same day; you may have a mild skin rash and swelling, which can be hidden with make-up immediately. After the treatments, sunshine should be avoided for a period of 2 to 3 days.

If you are puzzled, sign up for a free medical consultation. The purpose of this conversation is to choose the treatment most suitable for your skin type, purpose and daily lifestyle. We will inform you which treatment has what benefits to offer, what can be achieved with them and which one can be recommended for the given problem and why. In person, it is much easier for us to compile possible versions, packages and customized protocols tailored to your skin and needs. Then you can be sure you’ve chosen the best version for you.

Since almost all of our treatments are based on encouraging the skin’s own collagen-producing mechanism, but performed at different depths, method and intensity, a few weeks are usually needed for a visible change. However, some of our procedures have a smaller, immediate effect in addition to collagen encouragement. As no foreign substance will be ingested into your skin, we will have to wait a bit for the full beautiful, even and natural result.

We consider it important. As this concerns the beauty of your skin, treatments should be performed only by experts. Before treatment, an accurate health assessment and the exclusion of risks are our top priority; during treatment, adequate anatomical knowledge is required of nerves, blood vessels, skin thickness and more. After treatment, appropriate after-care is necessary, so you need the best advice. Our trained practitioners are equipped with several aesthetic courses, focusing on maximal safety and effectiveness.

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