Skin Rejuvenation
Enzymatic Fractional Radiofrequency treatment without needles

Infiniti Event Protocol – without needles

Anti-wrinkle effect without needles and discomfort

The Infiniti Event Protocol is a version of our highly successful Infiniti Plus micro-needling RF treatment that’s more appropriate for spring and summer.

Because the Infiniti treatment ideally includes 3 sessions and can’t be performed after May, the Event Protocol will replace it. Based on our initial experience, decreased pain, fewer side effects (redness, swelling) and the filling effect make our treatment very popular.

The Infiniti Event Protocol is recommended for the following problems:

  • flabby, mildly sagging skin
  • fine wrinkles, lines
  • worsening skin texture
  • starting loose compactness
  • wide pores
  • greasy, mixed skin
  • dull, uneven skin surface
infiniti sun protocol
Infiniti event protocol kezeles technológiája

About the technology

Our traditional Infiniti Plus treatment uses two techniques to rejuvenate the skin: the heat effect of fractional radio frequency and the mechanical effect of hair-fine needles.

The Infiniti Event Protocol replaces the needling effect from the treatment with an extra-powerful nanotechnology enzyme activated by the heat effect of the fractional radio frequency. The deep penetration of the enzymes into the skin layers results in a tighter, more radiant skin. The extremely powerful, pure enzymatic agents promote skin regeneration, fill the skin with energy, promote glow, and strengthen the connective tissue.

The heat effect of fractional radio frequency stimulates collagen production, improves texture and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

The fractional radio frequency and the enzymes work together to trigger collagen production and improve skin surface condition and quality. The enzymes immediately fill the skin with glow and firmness.


At RevitalMed, a free consultation is offered prior to treatment. If there isn’t any medical contraindication, treatment can then begin. During the consultation, we assess the condition of your skin so that we can personalize the treatment.

Thanks to our individual approach, we can make the most of your skin. This can mean up to 6 passages per area, which guarantees efficiency.

Recommended by Anikó UNGÁR, who participated in the Infiniti Sun Protocol treatment 3 times.

Personalized pulse length

Personalized energy level

Personalized shot frequency

Before every treatment

Free consultation

Book an appointment for a free consultation now!
Having agreed on the most appropriate time for you, one of our physicians will wait for you in the consulting room, where you can get a detailed answer to all the questions that may come up.

In spring & summer

Successful anti-wrinkle effect

Immediate and spectacular result

Pure and individual components in the service of the skin

Maximum safety, maximum result

No side-effects or risks

Pleasant and painless treatment

A special new procedure, keeping you safe in summer




We assess your overall health in order to provide you with a maximally safe and effective treatment.



Before starting the treatment, we document the initial status with photographs and prepare the treatment surface.



The treatment takes only an hour or two; afterwards, a mild skin rash may appear that subsides within a short period of time.



After the treatment, your skin is cooled to reduce redness and then nourished with a soothing moisturiser cream.

Price list

Recommended number of treatments: 3-5


  • Whole face 79.900 HUF
  • Duration: 60-70 minutes
  • Recommended frequency: every other week


You can comfortably book your chosen treatment through our on-line interface.
Should you have further questions, feel free to choose the free consultation option to meet with a physician, who can answer all your questions.



During the treatment, the radio frequency’s thermal effect induces the restructuring of the lower skin layers. The freshly created collagen fibers have better water-holding ability, and thus the structure of the skin becomes more compact, erasing wrinkles and scabs.

Using the fractioned radiofrequency, nanotechnological enzymes containing 100% pure agents are injected into the skin and activated there. As a result, connective tissues strengthen, the skin fills up and becomes less flaccid. Smaller wrinkles soften, your skin becomes tight and you will look younger.

You only feel a mild warmth, which is actually quite pleasant.

Only a slight redness occurs, which disappears after a couple of hours. Your skin will get tighter, stronger and livelier.

The collagen-generating effect of the fractioned radio frequency appears later, and repeated stimulus makes it more and more intensive. That’s why multiple treatments are needed.

The quality of your skin improves over a period of 4 to 6 months due to the continuous production of fresh collagen.

The effects of the enzymes are visible on the spot, but the fractioned radio frequencies do their magic in the long run. Final results will be visible 3 to 4 weeks after collagen generation begins. Results can be improved with further treatments.

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