
About the facial muscle lifting

Microcurrent treatment is a gentle but effective lifting procedure.

This technology is commonly referred to as a BIO Face Lift, since it uses an electro-stimulation technique that restores self-regeneration of skin and mimic muscles. Cellular activation will make the skin more flexible, livelier and visually younger.

About the technology

With ageing, the muscle tone weakens, resulting in softening and sagging of the surrounding tissues. Increased elasticity of skin tissue over time is a natural process. However, many women wish to avoid showing signs of the passing years, ideally without resorting to painful, expensive and time-consuming interventions.

A microcurrent procedure reduces wrinkles and scars and enhances the function of the lymphatic system. It visibly reduces the puffy complexion around the eyes, eases the bags under the eyes and fades the rings.

Recent research by the University of Washington has shown that the skin’s elastin content increases by 45%, the collagen content by 10 % and the number of blood vessels by 35% after a microcurrent facial treatment. In addition, they found that the ATP level of the organism has been increased, meaning that cells have more energy for growth, renewal and defence.


Benefits of the treatment

  • Increases the elastin content of the skin
  • Encourages the natural collagen production of the skin, which creates a separate physiological cycle
  • Increases the oxygen supply of the skin by increasing the number of blood vessels
  • Increased body resistance by boosting adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) production
  • Helps maintain the youthful and energy-rich look of the skin
  • Reduces the number of deep mimic wrinkles and dims the surface wrinkles
  • Tones the facial muscles and lifts the face
  • Long-term use may provide you with a youthful appearance

The course of treatment



We assess your overall health in order to provide you with a maximally safe and effective treatment.


Preparation of the area

Before starting the treatment, we document the initial status with photographs and prepare the treatment surface.

It is already done


After the treatment a mild skin rash may appear. It will subside within a short period of time.

Spectacular results

Soothing and cooling

After the treatment, your skin is cooled to reduce redness and then nourished with a soothing moisturiser cream.

Price list

By occasion

Microcurrent Facelift

  • Face 9.990 HUF
  • Duration 40 minutes
  • Recommended number of treatments 6 - 10
  • Recommended frequency 1 or 2 times a week


You can comfortably book the chosen treatment through our on-line interface.
Should you have further questions, feel free to choose the free consultation option; our physicians will be happy to answer all your questions.



This technology is powered by two easily movable electrodes, which send electric currents under the treated skin surface, causing the tissues there to be stimulated and tightened. The muscles get the same tiny signals as they would get from our brains, so muscle contractions are created. It’s something like facial muscle exercises. The elastin production, collagen fibre formation and microcirculation increase, facilitating the proper and healthy functioning of the underlying muscles and tissues.

There is a slight tingling sensation during treatment. In some more sensitive parts you may feel how the muscles work.

After treatment, the face will be fresher and firmer and mimic wrinkles will become paler. At most, you may experience a mild redness; the treatment has no side effects.

No special precautionary measures need to be taken after treatment.

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