Hialuronic acid Laser mask

About the treatment

LaserDerm Hyaluronic Acid Laser Therapy can rejuvenate your skin safely, quickly and naturally, while enjoying the relaxing effect of a comfortable and pleasant treatment.

LaserDerm Hyaluronic Acid Laser skin rejuvenation offers an improvement in general skin condition. It reduces wrinkles, restores glow, decreases pore size and smooths rough skin. It can also treat specific problems such as pigment spots, rosacea, inflammation and acne. Natural light strengthens the skin’s natural protection and health from the inside, by energizing the cells.

The aim of treatment is to rejuvenate the skin using light.

What effect does it have?

  • stimulates the body’s ATP production   
  • renews the functioning of the cells
  • stimulates the production of new collagen
  • helps incorporate active substances into the cells
  • has an anti-wrinkle effect, tightening the skin
  • refines the structure of the pores
  • increases self-healing processes in the skin
  • has a strong anti-inflammatory effect

What result may I expect to see?

The LaserDerm Hyaluronic Laser Mask stimulates the physiological functioning of tissues and releases low-intensity energy that stimulates the synthesis of fibroblasts, encouraging collagen production.

The stimulation is heat-free and pain-free.

The application time is short, and all skin types can be treated, including dark or sensitive skin.

LaserDerm Laser masks enhance the incorporation of active ingredients. The use of this mask dramatically increases the effect of any serum, mesotherapy cocktail and active ingredients.   


What are the effects of LaserDerm?

  • Protoporphyrin (PP9) generates oxygen atoms that attack and destroy bacteria Proprionbacterium Acne
  • Handles moderate acne and prevents its formation
  • Decreases melanin production by 40-60%, thus reducing pigment spots
  • Infiltrate capillaries and stimulate repair processes to reduce rosacea symptoms
  • Dampens redness and inflammation problems
  • Reduces recovery time by half after invasive treatments (laser peels)
  • Accelerates repair procedures of damaged cells
  • Stimulates metabolism, lymphatic processes and macrophage activity
  • Detoxifies and cleanses
  • Resembles fibroblast growth, thus tightening the skin
  • Increases collagen production, fills the mild wrinkles
  • Decreases cellular degeneration and delays skin ageing
  • Helps absorb the active ingredients

Practical information

The treatment is recommended after intensive treatments to accelerate regeneration or in combination with other treatments to help improve the absorption of the active ingredients and to renew the skin.

When used alone, a series of 6-8 treatments are required on a weekly basis to spectacularly strengthen the skin. The strengthening of the skin’s protective system can mitigate the effects of a wide range of skin diseases and reduce discomfort. Natural bio laser light stimulates the brain and hormones, promotes cell growth, and stimulates the whole body.

We do not know of any harmful effects or side effects.

The course of treatment



We assess your overall health in order to provide you with a maximally safe and effective treatment.


Preparation of the area

Before starting the treatment, we document the initial status with photographs and prepare the treatment surface.

It is already done


3D Hyaluronic acid gel is applied to the skin, then a laser mask treatment is performed for 30 minutes.

Spectacular results

Soothing and cooling

After the treatment, your skin is cooled to reduce redness and then nourished with a soothing moisturiser cream.

Price list

By occasion

Hyaluronic Acid Laser Mask

  • Face 49.900 HUF
  • Duration 30-40 minutes
  • Recommended number of treatments 6
  • Recommended frequency weekly


You can comfortably book the chosen treatment through our on-line interface.
Should you have further questions, feel free to choose the free consultation option; our physicians will be happy to answer all your questions.

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