Refill No-needle Hyaluronic Acid Filling

A well-structured medical protocol

The filling treatments aim to deliver a cleaner, more focused treatment that permeates the deeper layers of the skin without using needles. Accordingly, a multi-step method is used with thorough preparation of the skin.

For Refill treatment, removal of the upper layer of epidermis is a priority for the delivery of the active substances. By using different agents, we can produce distinct effects, and we can personalize treatments with our numerous ampoules and concentrates of various types.

The main substance of the treatment is the 3D hyaluronic acid, which is microscopic in size and produced in Germany to be the highest concentration and purity.

We add other active substances (anti-wrinkle, encouraging firmness, vitalizing, etc.) in accordance with the client’s desire for a specific result on the skin.

About the technology

Refill’s multi-stage protocol removes the upper dead skin layer first by using lactic acid peeling and hydroabrasion, allowing the active ingredients to enter the deeper skin layers unhindered.

The beta-hydroxy acidic exfoliating package opens the pores and prepares the skin for absorbing the active substances. The active ingredients then penetrate the skin through electroporation, followed by a massage by a cold therapy tip treatment. The sealing mask immediately refreshes the skin and retains active ingredients.

For five to six hours after treatment, you should avoid washing the face and exposing the skin to strong sunlight.

About the active ingredients

During the treatment with Hyaluronic Acid, we use uniquely efficient and concentrated hyaluronic acid of low molecular weight. Thanks to this, the skin’s ever diminishing hyaluronic acid content can be continuously replaced also in deeper layers. The 3-step molecular structure we use is still the most effective method for permanent and successful hyaluron replacement.

If wrinkles are treated, it is recommended to combine active substances with Botox-effect, such as fast-acting Garden cress (Lepidium sativum), Argireline, and strongly acting peptides. The unique combination of these substances counterbalances the wrinkle-forming mechanisms, producing smoothing effect on creases and wrinkles that have already appeared on the skin.

If a connective tissue reinforcement treating is aimed or we treat a flabby skin, the process involves applying silicon and DMAE or polyvitamines to the skin, thereby strengthening and tightening it.

The goal is always to find the ideal combination of active substandes that the given skin needs, i.e. to maximally personalize the filling.

The course of treatment

  1. Consultation, filling in administrative materials
  2. Selection of active substances
  3. Cleansing with a lactic foaming face wash that removes the dirt and prepares the skin for the intervention
  4. Hydroabrasion with Vichy mineral water: The ultrasound peeling removes dead skin cells and unnecessary fat from the skin, while accelerating the micro circulation of the skin – a recommended step before any facial treatment.
  5.  Beta-Hydroxy Peeling: The 6% Acid Peeling gently exfoliates the top layer of the skin, opening its pores. The acidic effect promotes the absorption of the active substances used in the next step.
  6. Delivery of active ingredients using mesotherapy: According to treatment and skin type, selected ampoules and serums are delivered to the skin with hyaluronic acid
  7. Closing with cold therapy: Finishing treatment with the cold-press will close the pores, soothe and refresh the skin, and help retain the active ingredients in the deep layers of the skin.
  8. Putting on the lifting veil mask, finishing the procedure
genesis lifting

Price list

By occasion

Hialuronic acid filling

  • Face 25.000 HUF
  • Duration 40 minutes
  • Recommended number of treatments 6
  • Recommended frequency every 2-3 weeks


You can comfortably book the chosen treatment through our on-line interface.
Should you have further questions, feel free to choose the free consultation option; our physicians will be happy to answer all your questions.

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