
Bye-bye to acne and oily skin

The principle of E-Light acne treatment is that 430-nm wavelength light kills Propionibacterium acne, reduces sebum production, fades discolouration caused by acne and reduces the depth of acne scars.

It is spectacular at reducing pore size and balancing fatty and dry areas.

The E-Light technology is a combination of IPL (intense pulsed light) and Radio Frequency, which is actually an improved version of a normal flash treatment. Working together, light and RF energy tighten and tone the skin.

E-Light is a natural, gentle and extremely effective solution for treating more severe forms of acne, and can help with

active acne
mixed and oily skin
treating acne-caused
pore size reduction

More information on E-Light treatment

We recommend a brief course of 6 treatments, one per month. Improvement is already visible after 2-3 treatments; inflammation decreases, the skin is stronger and more beautiful, and there are fewer spots and large pores.

After the initial treatments, you may wish to come in for maintenance treatment less frequently, perhaps once every 2-3 months. This dramatically improves the state of the most serious acne. Thanks to its effect of encouraging collagen production, it helps fill the scars and make the skin firmer and more resistant.

What are the benefits of the E-Light acne treatment?

  • Acne inflammation decreases
  • The pores will be smaller and the skin texture will improve
  • The production of sebum is reduced
  • Acne-caused discolouration and spots fade
  • The depth of the acne scars decreases
  • The greasy and drier parts balance out

Practical information

Before the treatment it is important to avoid sunlight and solariums.

The treatment can only begin on untanned skin, since tanned skin may be burnt. It is important that the person being treated does not take photosensitising medication and is not photosensitive. One month before treatment it is prohibited to use microdermabrasion, acid
peels, retinol treatments and other treatments, which make the upper skin layer sensitive. Before treatment, a test flash is required, after which you should wait one week to make sure that your skin tolerates light. The test flash also allows us to personalize the treatment parameters. After treatment the skin may become slightly red.

Applying make-up is possible but not recommended. In the 2-3 weeks after the treatments it is important to avoid sunlight and wear high-SPF sunscreen. In the first few days after the treatment, swimming pools, saunas and hot baths or showers should be avoided as well.

The treatment should be repeated 3-4 weeks later.

The course of treatment



We assess your overall health in order to provide you with a maximally safe and effective treatment.



A week after a test flash, you may start the treatment. Your skin will be cleansed, your scalp carefully covered and protective eyewear applied.

It is already done


During treatment a contact gel is applied to the skin. Then treatment tips will be applied individually and the face skin will be flashed.

Spectacular results

Soothing and cooling

After treatment, your skin is cooled to reduce redness and then nourished with a soothing moisturiser cream.

Price list

By occasion

E-light Acne treatment

  • Whole face 10.900 HUF
  • Duration: 40-50 minutes
  • Recommended number of treatments: 6
  • Recommended frequency: monthly


You can comfortably book the chosen treatment through our on-line interface.
Should you have further questions, feel free to choose the free consultation option; our physicians will be happy to answer all your questions.



During E-Light treatment, the light kills Propionibacterium acnes and reduces sebum production. It suppresses the pores and tightens the skin.

During treatment, you may feel a mild sensation of warmth, but the treatment does not cause any pain.

After treatment, you may experience a mild rash on your skin.

After treatment, the treated area should be protected from sun, hot water and soaking.

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