Quantum Dioda
Laser Hair Removal

Effective laser hair removal

During a Laser Hair Removal treatment, the diode laser emits laser light in the most effective way and at accurate depths onto the area to be treated. The number of  shots and  energy level is tailored to the amount of hair to be removed. The energy of the laser is driven by the pigmented hair into the hair follicle where it will be destroyed.

After treatment, the destroyed follicle will not grow dark or pigmented hair.

Because of its high energy level and customizable settings, laser is ideal for permanent hair removal, as this specially-adjusted wavelength (810 nm) penetrates deep into the skin at the depth of the hair follicles. The laser energy penetrates the deeper layers of the skin in the form of impulses.

Because of the shape and size of the appliance’s cooled tip, it is can accurately remove hair even in difficult to access and sensitive areas.

Fast and convenient treatment

Painless and safe

Even on areas difficult to access

Provides long lasting smooth and hairless skin over a period of up to 6-8 years

How many treatments are needed and why?

20-30% of the average hair content of our body is in the so-called anagen phase, that is, growth phase, at the same time. The others are in their rest periods and can only be treated later.

That’s why treatments should be performed periodically, probably 6-8 times, 6-8 weeks apart.
These numbers may widely vary from one individual to another, depending on skin colour and thickness, colour, and location of the hair.

The timing of the treatments is personalized in all cases so that the hair treatment can be performed with maximal efficiency.




We assess your overall health in order to provide you with a maximally safe and effective treatment.



Test flashes (+ break of 1 week). Home shaving 2-3 days prior to treatment. Preparation and disinfection of the area to be treated; application of cooling gel.



Laser hair removal treatment (you may experience a mildly warm, slightly stinging sensation).

Spectacular results

Soothing and cooling

After the treatment, your skin is cooled to reduce redness and then nourished with a soothing moisturiser cream.

Price list

By occasion

Quantum Dioda Laser Hair Removal Prices

  • Face
  • Forehead 13.900 HUF
  • Between the eyebrows 7.900 HUF
  • Moustache (upper lip) 11.900 HUF
  • Chin (beard) 14.900 HUF
  • Cheek (both sides) 12.900 HUF
  • Sideburns (both sides) 12.900 HUF
  • Mental protuberance 8.900 HUF
  • Chin-moustache 24.900 HUF
  • Chin-moustache-sideburns 44.900 HUF
  • The whole face 49.900 HUF
  • Arms
  • Forearms 28.900 HUF
  • Upper arms 23.900 HUF
  • Hand heads and fingers 17.900 HUF
  • Forearms-hand heads-fingers 38.900 HUF
  • Whole arms (forearms and upper arms) 44.900 HUF
  • Whole arms 2. (forearms-upper arms-hand heads-fingers) 65.900 HUF


You can comfortably book the chosen treatment through our on-line interface.
Should you have further questions, feel free to choose the free consultation option; our physicians will be happy to answer all your questions.



During laser treatment, the light emitted from the treatment tip is absorbed in the melanin content of the hair (that’s why it is important to have as much colour in the hair as possible).  Heat energy is thus driven into the hair follicle (i.e. the hair must be in the hair follicle – so don’t wax) where the matrix cells responsible for the formation of new hairs will be damaged.  Thus, the hair follicle is unable to produce new hair.

Only gentle warmth can be felt during treatment; it does not cause any pain or discomfort. The treatment of two legs will take about 30 to 40 minutes to complete.

After treatment, a mild redness and burning sensation may be experienced that will soon disappear. The hairs continue to grow after treatment and then fall out in 10-14 days. The treated area must be protected from sun and heat.

Preliminary results are visible after the first treatment. After 3 treatments, a significant part of the hairs are removed. A more permanent result can be achieved by continuous treatments over a period of 1 year. Then 6-8 years of hair removal can be achieved. Afterwards hair can be re-shaped, but rarely re-grown. However, this can be prevented by one maintenance treatment every year, so hair removal can be made truly permanent.

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