Mesoderm Needle-free Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy without needles

Classical mesotherapy has been performed in medical practice for more than fifty years. The essential part of the treatment includes a small amount of an active substance introduced into the appropriate place with tiny needles, producing a significant positive outcome.

However, many people are shy about needle-based procedures. In 2003, two medical researchers revolutionized the process by inventing needle-free mesotherapy, also known as electroporation.

Special electromagnetic waves emitted by the MESODERM electroporation device are not visible to the naked eye, but they create real openings from the skin to the deeper layers.

Through these, any active substance applied to the skin (regardless of molecular weight) penetrates (absorbs) into the skin with unique effectiveness.

This is guaranteed to tighten the skin and increase its compactness.

What makes this procedure unique?

The MESODERM needle-free mesotherapeutic procedure delivers the active ingredients exceptionally efficiently and in unchanged form to the skin; only analytically pure and sterile preparations (just like in case of injections) are used, which contain no unnecessary additives. The introduction of traditional cosmetics is strictly forbidden, since the risk of allergic reactions and severe local infection is extremely high. That’s why we use sterile, German and Spanish ampoule concentrates of high quality. Thus, the procedure is proven to prevent allergies and ensure effectiveness.

The skin does not even need any preservatives, dyes or scents to be found in traditional cosmetics. What’s more, they not only don’t need them, but in case of a long-term use they can become sources of troubles.

A great benefit of this procedure is that the probability of causing unpleasant side effects using the device (with the appropriate analytically pure and sterile active ingredients) is almost zero percent. Unpleasant and undesirable side effects are typically triggered by the aforementioned undesirable auxiliary substances and not by the active substances.

Revitalmed központ

What results may we expect to see?

In each case, the treatments take more than one occasion, one session of treatment is necessary, as the active substances are removed from the body within 1-2 weeks after treatment and the re-delivery of the active substances achieves the desired result. The result
depends largely on the active substance and the problem of the client.

Our range of active ingredients is constantly expanding with top quality German and Italian and Spanish ingredients:

  • Hyaluronic acid 2% and 0.8%
  • ACE vitamin cocktail
  • Argireline
  • Garden cress (Lepidium sativum)
  • DMAE and silicon
  • Niacin amide
  • Bio Colostrum
  • Pigment fading cocktail
  • Refilling cocktail
  • Q10 coenzyme and collagen cocktail

During the consultation, the active ingredients will be selected together with our specialist.

What purposes can electroporation be used for?

  • Fading of wrinkles
  • Improving the texture of your sagged skin
  • Increasing firmness and compactness
  • Improving the acne skin condition
  • Filling vitamin and nutrient deficient skin with nutrients
  • Stopping hair loss, stimulating hair growth

The course of treatment



We assess your overall health in order to provide you with a maximally safe and effective treatment.


Preparation of the area

Before starting the treatment, we document the initial status with photographs and prepare the treatment surface.

Noticeable changes


After the treatment, a mild skin rash may appear. It will subside within a short period of time.

Spectacular results

Soothing and cooling

After the treatment, your skin is cooled to reduce redness and then nourished with a soothing moisturiser cream.

Price list

By occasion

Mesotherapy without needles

  • Mesotherapy without needles 12.000 HUF
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Recommended number of treatments: 6-8
  • Recommended frequency: every other week


You can comfortably book the chosen treatment through our on-line interface.
Should you have further questions, feel free to choose the free consultation option; our physicians will be happy to answer all your questions.



The electroporator passes alternating electrical waves to the skin, so the cell polarity changes. This change causes the cells to open canals, which themselves are not visible to naked eye, to enable the active ingredients to penetrate deeply into the dermis cells. The active substances thus do not solve the temporary hydration of the surface, but achieve strategic results in the deeper layers.

While you’re in the treatment, you may not feel anything; patients sensitive to electricity may experience a mildly stinging or tingling sensation.

After the treatment, as the skin will still be full of active ingredients, it may reflect light differently. By the next day, this should be resolved. The active substances will become effective in the next few days.

After treatment, the treated area should be protected from sun, hot water and moisture.

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