  • 2018-03-05



1024 536 Heizer Anita

During a HIFU treatment, the DOUBLO device does similar things to high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) as a magnifying glass does to light: collects and focuses them into a small point. The waves’ energy accumulates at that point and a high temperature is generated, between 65 and 70 degrees Celsius. In one treatment more than 15,000 such heat points will be created beneath the skin surface. The size and distance of these points from each other can be controlled precisely with DOUBLO. Treatments are performed at three depths: 4.5 mm, 3 mm, and 1.5 mm beneath the surface. Heat points are created in the dermis without damaging the epidermis.

The relatively high temperature disrupts the structure of collagen molecules that are perceived by surrounding cells. The collagen molecule should be imagined as a chain that is laced with a variety of small chains of different length. Under the influence of heat, its structure is partially fragmented, thereby releasing negatively charged molecules that slightly alter the electrical and pH conditions of their immediate environment. The change is small, but the cells perceive and “believe” that a wound, i.e. a continuum deficiency, was created in the skin. They initiate wound healing processes in which a significant amount of new collagen is formed in order to fill in the “skin deficiency”. Instead of bridging a real opening, this new collagen will fill the dermis and the skin will become firmer, like a silk cushion that’s been filled with more down feathers. During a DOUBLO treatment we only work with sound waves. Skin tightening is induced by the new-forming and filling effect of the skin’s own collagen, without the addition of unnatural substances, medicines, injections, or surgery. If the skin sagging exceeds a certain degree, the resulting firming effect may not be spectacular enough. It is rather uncertain whether the desired aesthetic result can be achieved. Therefore, DOUBLO treatment is an ideal skin-tightening procedure for mild to moderate laxity. It can also be repeated to increase satisfaction.

Tightening heavily sagged skin may require sophisticated and invasive plastic surgery procedures: fillings with injections, fibre filling, traditional facelift surgery, or possibly treatments with Botulinum toxin (Botox). During a facelift surgery, the surgeon prepares the skin using an incision made in front of the outer ear with an electric knife or scissors. Skin is freed from the nerves and blood vessels, then excess skin is removed and the surgical wound is closed. As with any surgery, there are some risks associated with face lifting. Some of the risks involve the possibility of a lasting undesirable aesthetic outcome. Achieving the desired tightness can also alter the lip contour or eyebrow contour, and their original lines may be dragged. Repetition of surgery can exacerbate this problem.

In mild or moderately advanced cases, a more ideal option is the DOUBLO treatment based on HIFU technology, which can be repeated at any time. DOUBLO may achieve skin tightening at negligible risk, with an even regeneration of its own collagen, without surgery and without unnatural substances.

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